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How To: Use Induction Cooktops

Induction cooktops are a great option if you're interested in heating food faster and saving energy in the process. They operate a bit differently than other cooktops and you should understand how so, if you plant to own one. This quick tutorial will show you how to use an induction cooktop easily.

How To: Purge air from your fridge's water dispenser

If you've recently purchased a new fridge and have hooked up the line for the water dispenser, you need to get rid of any air before trying to drink water. Having excess air in the line can result in you getting more water than you may have wanted. It's easy to do and will make things easier when trying to get water. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Replace a push button water filter on a fridge

Most of the new refrigerators that are being sold nowadays have the ability to provide fresh drinking water with the push of a button. This comes in handy for those who want a nice and cold glass of water quickly. In order to provide drinking water, a water filter is installed in order to catch any harmful ingredients that may be inside of the water.

How To: Realign uneven refrigerator doors

If you are having a problem with aligning the doors to your fridge, this video will show you how to take care of the problem easily. All you really need to do is lift either side of the fridge using the right wrench and a partner. It's simple to do and will get rid of any uneven doors that are messing up the look of your home. So check it out, good luck, and enjoy!